Stellwagen Beer Co. Label Designs


Working with the team from Stellwagen Beer Company out of Marshfield, MA is always a blast! Mike Snowdale is the point person for the creative direction and generally overall it’s pretty straight-forward: an uncomplicated idea, mixed with personality and some hidden gems to make it more personal for not only the Stellwagen team, but also the drinker who may ponder why we decided on a particular design element (e.g. Buoy’s has more than a few).

Stellwagen Beer has a strong focus on IPA’s but brews amazing beer even when venturing outside those walls. Although every label we do with them is exciting, when they decide to brew a dark winter ale or a chocolate peanut butter stout we know the creative ideas will start flowing once we get a chance to speak with Mike. In addition they collaborate with a number of breweries around Massachusetts to not only strengthen their being knowledge but to try styles they wouldn't normally make an appearance.

We hope you enjoy scrolling through the creative because we had a great time designing it!

Thank You

We hope you enjoyed the creative but the beer is always better. So head out to the Stellwagen Brewery in Marshfield, MA to grab any one of their exciting styles available on tap or in cans to-go. While there hang out in their beer garden to enjoy the full Stellwagen experience.

All Stellwagen photography credited to Stellwagen Beer Company

Let’s Work Together.


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Time & Materials Beer Company